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Facial Peels Right for You?

A Facial Peel is an anti-aging treatment with a host of benefits that include exfoliation, but also builds collagen, reduces fine lines, boosts radiance, shrinks pore size, diminishes dark spots, and can even help with rosacea.

Facial peels vary by the kind of solution used on the skin. The different intensities of facial peel will each require different levels of aftercare. With deeper peels, you may need to use a special cleanser and moisturizer during the healing process. With all facial peels, you should take care to avoid the sun in the days directly following treatment and ensure that a broad spectrum sunblock with a high SPF is part of your skincare regime.

How Do Facial Peels Work?

A facial peel, also known as a chemical exfoliant, is a liquid applied to your face. It sits on your skin for several minutes to several hours, working to removing the top layer. It’s called a peel because that top layer of your skin will peel off following the treatment — usually within the next few days.

The goal of this type of treatment is to reveal the layer of fresh, smooth, healthy skin that hides behind the dull, dead skin cells on the surface of your face.

What Are The Different Types Of Facial Peels?

Facial peels aren’t all the same; there are several different kinds. Facial peels are usually divided into groups based on their strength: superficial peels, medium peels, and deep peels.

Superficial Peels

A superficial peel is best when treating mild skin discoloration and rough spots and are relatively easy on your skin, and they’re also the quickest peel treatment.

In fact, a superficial peel is sometimes referred to as the “lunchtime peel” because it’s an in-and-out treatment and you can usually carry on with your day without anyone knowing you had a peel!

The side effects of a superficial peel are minimal. You’ll likely have dry, red, and sensitive skin for a few days after the treatment. Because your skin will be extra-sensitive to the sun, be sure to cover up with a hat and wear sunscreen when you’re outside.

Medium peels affect your skin on a deeper level, and the procedure is not as quick and easy as with superficial peels.

The advantage of a medium peel is that it takes care of some of the more stubborn skin troubles. It improves the appearance of acne, sun damage, and fine lines.

Because medium peels provide a deeper “peel,” the treatment time is a bit longer and the side effects are more noticeable (you may not want to go straight back to the office with a red, post-peel face).

Medium peels use a stronger solution to dissolve unwanted skin, so your face will probably sting during and after the treatment. You can expect a sunburn-like side effects, and your face will be peeling, red, itchy, and swollen for several days or more afterward.

Deep Peels

Deep peels are the strongest peels available, and they’re made from phenol or Trichloracetic acid. These are the big-guns of facial peels and are only used for serious conditions: deep wrinkles, sun damage, scars and more intense age spots.

Deep Vi Peel (Vitality Institute) is a gentle yet powerful medical-grade deeper facial peel for the treatment of acne and acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, age and sun spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, rosacea, enlarged pores, oil balancing, and overall skin health.

What Are The Benefits Of Facial Peels?

So what exactly can a facial peel do for you? Facial peels smooth your skin, reduce fine lines, even your skin tone, and encourage collagen production (which is super important for achieving younger-looking skin).

Our estheticians will work with you to identify your skin concerns and make a recommendation on the best peel to give you the desired results.

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